Yuxin Chang



Hi, I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine, advised by Professor Padhraic Smyth. Before joining UCI, I received my MPhil in Machine Learning from the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge; my thesis was supervised by Professor Carl E. Rasmussen. I hold a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Edinburgh.

My research has been focusing on deep probabilistic machine learning methods, such as marked temporal point processes for continuous-time event sequences and machine learning for healthcare, supported by an HPI Fellowship, an NIH Grant, and a CS Department Dean’s Fellowship.

Currently, I’m working as an AI research scientist summer intern at GE Healthcare (in 2024). I was an off-cycle Strats intern at Goldman Sachs in London (in 2021), and a research software engineer summer intern at Tencent (in 2019) in my hometown Shenzhen.